Social Media & How it Affects Me

I remember in the sixth grade I made my first social media account and it was Instagram. My posts were so silly and weird haha.  Looking back at that time it was so much simpler because I didn't care what anyone thought of what I posted, but today I analyze every picture I take or every tweet I make, just so that nobody thinks its weird or awkward.  I wanted to write about this because, quite frankly social media has taken over our lives. I just hope if you read this that you may think about the affects it has on you.  I honestly think that we have social media to get attention and what we really drive for is for someone to comment on our selfie saying that "You look so cute, *Heart Eyes Emojii*, but when social media first came out it was a way to connect to each other and talk to people you wouldn't normally see everyday.  Here lately I have really been missing my childhood when I really didn't care how many likes I got on instagram.  We have let our likes define who we are and it is so sad to me. We are too concerned about putting something on our snapchats then enjoying the moment.  One day I hope that at a concert we won't have to bring out phones to take pictures of the event, but be able to live in the moment and remember it that way, instead of remembering it through a phone.  I have to admit I still check my social media everyday, but I haven't as often as I used to and I can tell that I am a lot happier.  I use my MarvelousPineapples instagram account more often then I use my private account and I am okay with that, because I am more free with what I get to post and I can express myself more than I could on my other accounts.  I just hope that if you made it to the end of this blog post, that you have realized something, even though this sounded like a full on rant, I wish that one day you too will put down your phone for a while ! Thank you so much for reading my post and I hope you have a Marvelous day !



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