Christmas Eve Photoshoot/Face Reveal Announcement

 Hey everyone! I hope you have had a great Christmas and are enjoying a bit of a break! I wanted to share some of the pictures my mom took of me on Christmas eve, because I think they are too cute not to share! Now if you have been following me for a long time, you will know that I never show my full face, and this was just because of privacy reasons, and you probably did not even notice. However, I feel as though having to crop the picture or just worrying about getting the perfect picture, without having any of my upper face in it, makes for some tricky photographing. That is why I have decided for the new year (I can not believe that it is almost 2018 ) I will be having my mini face reveal, and will no longer be hiding behind a cropped pictures!!!

 Love you guys so much for being here with me, and those who actually read my blog posts will have a tad of a sneak peek! (Even though most of the people who read my blog, already know me irl!)


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