"Time Flies" 10 Tips to End Your Time Management Problems

Time management is something that you learn from experience.  I'm still pretty young and haven't quite mastered the skill yet, actually I am procrastinating on some of my homework as I type this.  What I wanted to share with you today are some of my tips on staying on track and getting work done !  Being a teenager means a lot of stress and gaining new responsibilities, some people deal with this better than others. I am not the best person when it comes to being stressed, but I am able to somehow keep control on my responsibilities.  Now for the tips that this whole article is about ! (This is something that I do and it may not work for everyone, but I hope it helps a little !)   :

  • PUT YOUR PHONE far away as possible, most of the time you only have one distraction, and that is your phone.  What I like to do is place my phone somewhere in my house or on the opposite side of my room while i'm doing my homework.
  • Get yourself everything that you need to finish whatever you need to get done out, and lay it in front of you in an organized way to see what all has to be done.
  • Keep an agenda and make sure to write down ALL DUE DATES!  No matter how well your memory is, you always find a way to forget about a test or quiz the night before.
  • When you first come home from school sit down and relax, then after maybe thirty minutes to an hour jump straight into what needs to be finished.
  • Have a bottle of water next to you, while you are working so you don't have to get up and interrupt your focus to get a drink.
  • While I am working I almost always am trying to do something else while working, and that doesn't leave you with the best answers or study time, so listen to music instead of watching a YouTube video or watching your favorite show on Netflix.  Just think how nice it will be to watch your shows or videos without the stress of having to get something done.
  • Take breaks every hour of working to keep yourself from getting too overwhelmed, these breaks should only be less than thirty minutes, if it exceeds this time, you probably will get sidetracked. 
  •  Make sure the area you are working in is nice and clean and clear of distractions, as well as make sure the area is nice and quiet.
  • Keep all your folders and binders organized, because it is not going to go well if you can't find your work, and that just takes up more time !
  • Finally, make sure you are comfortable, so when you get home don't worry about whether you look like a hot mess, just throw on those fuzzy socks and over-sized shirts and get down to business.

Thank you for reading my tips, please don't forget to follow me if you enjoy reading my blog posts !  Hope you are having a very lovely December and see you soon !

-AmazingDaisy <3
Whose excited for winter? I know I am !!!! Don't forget to vote on the poll located on the main-page of my blog and let me know what your looking forward to most ! Love ya, Bye!


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