Girl Drama

Let us all be completely honest, being a girl is rough and what is even more rough is holding your tongue and not lashing out on a whim.  This past week as been difficult to an extent, you've guessed it petty girl drama.   One of my best friends of four years decided to yell at me in front of everyone in the school hall, over a simple question to which I had no answer. It was a ridiculous question, "Where am I supposed to go for fourth period?" this seems like a pretty normal question, but not to her she acted as if her life depended on the question.  Since I do not have her class fourth I didn't know what she was even talking about.  I responded with " I don't know where you are supposed to go, since I do not have that class." what made it worse was she asked me not a second time, but ten more times.  Sorry for the rant, but getting to the point is that girls like to exaggerate things and create drama for the fun of it.   Here are some tips from my experience on how to react to a situation similar to this:

  • The first thing I would do is talk to whoever made you upset about, especially if it something this small.  (please try not to text them, at least call them or better yet speak to them face to face.
  • The second thing to do if the first tip doesn't work out as well is to try and think if you may have said something in the moment and not realize it. ( Analyze your conversation you had with the person)
  • When you are speaking with whomever it may be, before you say anything think about how they would react.
  • If they text you asking what's wrong then give it a while before texting them back to think about how to respond. (This goes along with the tip above).
  • DO NOT go and tell everyone what is going on between you two because no matter how close you think someone is they may still spread word and that never ends prettily.
  • While you are waiting for a response, do something that makes you happy, because what is the point in wasting your emotions on something that brings you negativity. ( For me this would be baking, watching tv, going to the golf range, or cleaning up my room*this is a good way to release your anger).
  • Try not to overthink the situation, this 99.9% of the time makes it worse.
  • Ask a parent on what they would do in your situation.
  • Write down everything that this person has done to you (negative) and then write down everything that the person has done to you (positive) and then see which one has more and go from there.
  • Always remember that it could always be worse or get worse so keep your chin up and be strong !

Hopefully this has helped you to an extent ! Remember that this is from my experience and it may be different than yours.  Thank you so much for reading my second blog post <3


PS: OR just think what would Captain America do? 

What should I write about next??? Or even do next!?


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