How to Be You

My entire life I have always wanted to be different and never follow the crowd. This could be something as big as what college to go to, or something as little as style. Being yourself can be so scary, but it is worth it in the long run, since you will be so much happier with every single decision you make. Examples of how I may differ from the "in crowd", are what college I am going to, since it is an automotive school in a smaller town (I am not majoring in anything automotive), my style, which is a bit more preppy (turtlenecks, tailored pants, blazers, etc...), and even the sport I play, which is golf! These things are not exactly what everyone else does, but they are what makes me happy! It really is the simple things in life that can make your world a little more positive, so no more rambling and here are my tips for how to be you! These are not technically going to be things that are 100% different from everyone else, but they are what makes you, you!
  • Figure out what you spend most of your time doing. (Not to do with your phone, or schoolwork!) This is so important since most of the time our brains are pretty sneaky in knowing what we really like to do. For me I spend most of my time practicing at the golf range, or doing something in the field of technology, such as video games, or wanting to do something creative. Knowing what you like to do is so important in knowing who you are!
  • Knowing whether you are an introvert or extrovert. This may seem super basic, but this helped me understand why I really did not want to go out or hang out with my friends all the time! A lot of times I would force myself to go to football games or dances, when I was really just uncomfortable every time I went, which made me feel as though I just did not belong. In reality, I was just not the type of person who enjoyed spending their free time with tons of other people, which is perfectly okay!
  • Set your boundaries/limits. Every single person has things they do not like to do and are not comfortable with doing or taking part in. For myself I am not a partier, I have tried it and it is just not for me, so if I know I am going to be in a situation where it may be overly crowded or extremely social, with tons of people I do not know, I may opt out. Everyday I try to push myself out of my comfort zone, but as people, we can only take so much. This can also go along with where your morals are, and making sure no one pushes you to do something that you are not okay with. (This is so important, because your decisions are what define you!)
  • Make a list of what you are passionate about. Making lists are always a great way to organize your thoughts, and they can be a great way to help you figure out yourself! This does not have to be a general thing, but can be used for when you are making an important decision, such as what college to go to, or what to major in. Before I committed to the school I am going to, I made a list of what I wanted in a school and what I didn't want. This helped me because I would just look at the schools that had everything I wanted, instead of maybe what my parents wanted, or what my peers wanted. The same would go with what major, so you write down what you really enjoy doing and what you just do not like to do, then go from there! 
  • Know what defines you. This is one of the most basic, but most difficult things there is when figuring out who you are. Examples of what defines you, are your style (let me know if you want a separate post on this!), things you spend your time doing, the kind of music you listen to, or even what kind of colors you like. These are all things that make you different from every one else, so embrace who you are and do not let anyone change that!
One of the biggest reasons I wanted to do this, was because not a lot of people know where to start when it comes to figuring out who you are and what you want to do. I am still learning more about myself everyday, so this is not going to be something that happens all at once, so do not worry if you are still trying to know who you, especially when it feels like the whole world knows exactly what they want to do or be. (Trust me, most people have no clue of who they are, and I honestly doubt we ever truly discover that.) Let me know if you like this style of blog and if you would like to see more in the future! Thanks so much for reading (I know it is a lot) and I appreciate every single person who even glances at my little corner of the internet! Love you guys lots! 


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