2018 in a Nutshell

Hey guys! Long time no see and I apologize for that! I thought that I would kind of use this site to put my memories together and figured that putting all of my notable pictures from 2018 would be a good way to start! So without further adieu here is my 2018 in a nutshell!
So I started 2018 by doing my face reveal for my Instagram and blog! 

I then did my first shoot where I purposely bought an outfit and décor which was completely what I was not used to doing!
My last Winter Formal of High School was also this year and can we just take a moment for my shoes?

This picture doesn't fit the time frame considering it was taken in July, but it is more a filler picture for March. In March I was diagnosed with Post Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and it completely changed my life.
My first and last prom happened in 2018 and this dress will always be the favorite thing I own.
Avengers Infinity War came out in May of 2018 and lets just say I had to include this because this movie really was a defining moment in my life, because Marvel, duh...
I graduated from High School with Honors! 
I celebrated graduating from High School!
I visited family in Kansas in June!

Turn eighteen years old (geez I am officially an adult)!
Did a photoshoot with my friends at the local iconic wall!
Played some golf!
Created my outfit for the reputation stadium tour and did a shoot in a famous graveyard!

Went to my first Taylor Swift Concert and got to meet some of my amazing friends from Twitter!

Went to Dallas, TX to receive treatment for POTS and got to on a mini adventure right after the Taylor Swift Concert.
Moved into my dorm and had a complete breakdown, so you know the usual.

I got to meet my incredible roommate this year and I am pretty sure it is one of the best parts of 2018.
Did my first shoot in Lima while in college!
Drove to practice, A LOT...

Golfed A LOT...
Got really close to Torque!

Celebrated Halloween with black clothes and lipstick ;)
Was bored in class and managed to get all A's in my first Quarter!
Got to visit my roomies hometown and my ancestors hometown! What a coincidence?!

Had an amazing Christmas with my family!
Thank you all for an amazing 2018 and I can't wait to see what 2019 brings!


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