2016 Back to School Inspiration (Supplies Edition)

Hello everybody! I know you probably don't want to hear anything back to school related, but I really enjoy back to school shopping, just not the actual going back to school haha! This will be some supply inspiration because I believe adorable supplies help make going back to school a tad easier! Without further adieu here is my 2016 Back to School Inspiration- Supplies Edition :

Here is an overall view of all my back to school supplies inspiration! I edited all of these photos with the app Snapseed, its a total life saver!
The number one school supply I run out of is paper! Almost all teachers ask for it and it's gone by October! Plus most ask for binder dividers and I found these gorgeous ones at Staples! 

I am obsessed with this clipboard calendar I found at HomeGoods! I cant wait to hang it up on my wall someplace! 

People always have their preferences about whether they like mechanical or regular pencils, but I love mechanical! I also got these colored pens for my agenda to keep it more organized throughout the school year! I picked these both up at Staples!

I think all these folders are so pretty! I love all the patterns and colors so much! I wanted to stick with a theme of gold and so far I've stuck with it! I decided this year I wanted all plastic folders because the paper one's break and tear so easily! I wanted these to last and I also picked these up at Staples!

This is my agenda for the next year and a half! I love the gold and black marble look and the inside is super well planned out! I picked this up from HomeGoods!

Now this is my favorite supply of the year! This is my kate spade pencil bag! It came with an eraser, two pencils, a ruler, and a sharpener! It's adorable and will protect it with my life! I got this from Nordstrom! 
Thank you so much for looking at all of my school supplies inspiration for the 2016-2017 school year! I am looking forward to keeping in touch with my blog this school year! Good luck to everyone heading back to school and even if you aren't good luck to whatever else this year brings! I hope you have a marvelous day!



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