Christmas Details (My Room Edition)

Hello lovelies, long time no see! I believe it has been over a year, since I have last posted on here, which makes me really sad, because I love doing this. I wanted to start off this whole blog thing again with something that makes me so happy, which is Christmas decorations! A lot of the items I have around my room, have been things I have collected over the years, so I am not really sure where they are from, but if you really fall in love with something, feel free to leave a comment asking me where I got it! There is something about this time of year, that makes me want to really express myself, and strive to be the best me. I have been working extremely hard on my Instagram account @marvelouspineapples so if you would like to check that out, that would be great! Don't forget to follow this blog for more coming soon, and also feel free to comment any suggestions of what you would like to see in the future! Love you guys! <3